Monday, November 7, 2011

Gua Tempurung

Gua Tempurung is an intricate systems of caves forming into a tunnel of wondrous and endless rock formations that runs from west to east for nearly 2 km under the limestones hills of Gunung Tempurung and Gunung Gajah.

There are 4 tours offer by the APT Consortium Sdn. Bhd.
TOUR 1(Dry Tour): 40 minutes
Entrance fee :
Adult RM 6.00
Children RM 2.50 (6-12yrs old)
Senior Citizen RM 3.00 (60 yrs and above)

TOUR 2 (Dry Tour): 1 hour 45 minutes
Entrance fee:
Adult RM 9.00
Children RM 4.50 (6-12yrs old)
Senior CItizen RM 3.00 (60 yrs and above)

TOUR 3 (Wet Tour): 2 hours 30 minutes
Entrance fee:
Adult RM 11.00
Children RM 6.00 (6-12yrs old)
Senior Citizen RM 6.00 (60 yrs and above)

TOUR 4 (Wet Tour): 3 hours and 30 minutes
Entrance fee:
Adult RM 22.00
Children vRM 11.00 (6-12yrs old)
Senior Citizen RM 6.00 (60 yrs and above)

Operating hour:
9.00a.m to 4.00 p.m for TOUR 1
9.00 to 3.00 p.m for TOUR 2
9.00 a.m to 12.00 a.m for TOUR 3
9.00a.m to 11.00 a.m for TOUR 4

My husband and I had chosen the TOUR 2 as we did not bring along helmet, torch, shoes, extra shirt and pants.

We did not managed to take more photo inside the Gua Tempurung as our camera was not so good to capture photo in dim light.
Overeall, it was a nice trip to discover the famous limestone cave - Gua Tempurung in Malaysia.